Payment Methods |
Payment can be made ONLY by the following means:
- By VISA or MasterCard online. Click on 'Pay online' under 'Unpaid invoices' in 'Billing'.
All payment transactions are fully encrypted using SSL. We never host or store client credit card details.
By American Express or Discover cards via PayPal (pay to paybypaypal@textcheck.com) as payment for a 'Service'.
- If your credit card is declined then please call your credit card company to ask why (your credit card company will know why, we will not know why).
- By PayPal via https://www.paypal.com (pay to paybypaypal@textcheck.com) as payment for a 'Service'.
- By Bank Transfer. All details needed are included on our invoice. It is extremely important that you send the invoice number with the transfer so that we may correctly identify your payment.
We do not accept:
- Personal Cheques
- Bank Drafts
- Money Orders
- Western Union