図表 |
If you think that the figures are essential for reference, then please upload them online. Figures can be sent in any format that can be viewed in recent versions of Chrome/Explorer/Firefox, Opera, etc., such as jpeg or tiff, or as PDF, Excel, or Powerpoint files. 原稿に含まれる図表が複雑だったり、簡単には編集できない文字列を含んでいる場合、弊社側での校閲用に、その文字列をコピーして図表の下か原稿の末尾に写しておいてください。 To upload figures FOR REFERENCE ONLY: After uploading your document you will see a link that allows you to upload figures FOR REFERENCE ONLY. Until the document is processed, there is also a link to 'Add Figures' in the 'Action' column in 'Documents' (under 'Members' in the sidebar). |